Saturday, I decided to hike Mt. Verstovia. It was such beautiful day. The sun was out, and the temperature was in the upper 40s...perfect. The trail leads up behind Kelly's Bar on the outskirts of Sitka. Verstovia stands at about 2,500'. Its the trail makes its way up the mountain through a series of switch-backs. The first half of the trail was a mix of soggy ground and ice. At around 1,000', the trail was covered in snow. Some of the switch-backs were so steep that knotted ropes were tied to certain trees further above to assist in either ascending or descending the trail. Once the tree-line sort of broke, it was an easy hike up to the summit. Just down the backside of Verstovia's summit is a ridge that connects Verstovia to Arrowhead Mountain. Along this ridge were several people skiing and snowboarding down into the bowl/valley below. Atop Verstovia provides great views of the surrounding mountain ranges as well as Sitka and Mt. Edgecumbe. The hike to the summit takes just under 2 hours at a comfortable pace and around 1hr 15min to descend. All in all a great day hike.
Nice change of scene, both physically and mentally! I can tell it was just what you needed by the way you wrote. You will be blessed to see more wonderful works of God while you are there! Enjoy!
Much appreciated, Mom. It certainly was enjoyable. Love, ya!
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