Mark another one off the calendar...this week is done! I find myself settling into something that might soon resemble that of a routine. This is a good thing. On top of that, I'm growing more comfortable with the instructors, as well as becoming more accustomed to their commanding personalities. A few of the most recent interactions with them might be called an actual conversation. Again, this is a good thing. Although, their seemingly innocent and kind correspondence with me must not be construed as an invitation for friendship. This would be a mistake on my part. They will not and cannot be my friends. They have a job to do, and that involves breaking me down "lower than snake-shit," as my Dad coined it. Although sore, my body is slowly adapting to the brisk pace, to say the least, my instructors have so adequately set. It feels good to have your body taxed to a degree that makes a simple task like tying your shoes a chore. The week was relatively uneventful due to a search and rescue mission that required the involvement of nearly all of our rescue swimmers. Aside from a rigorous, hour-long beating at the hands of Petty Officer Arnold for not folding up our sweats and placing them in the corner at the gym, my body was provided an adequate amount of time to recover. Tuesday's pool day consisted of a 500m swim (shirt & shorts), 150m buddy-tow, and a 500m gear swim. It was a perfect opportunity for me to get more practice swimming with the gear and focus without the added yelling. Much to my astonishment, Thursday's pool day was promptly cancelled due to a busted pipe. Needless to say, after Wednesday's beating, I was pleased to not have to push it in the pool. On Friday, we waxed one of the helicopters, and that was it. Easy, mindless work...I enjoyed it very much.

I'm really enjoying your blog. Alaska looks beautiful, your pictures seem to do it justice. Looking forward to more posts!
Well, thank ya very much. Glad you're enjoying it!
That top picture is great! Whose dog is she?
She is my friend Leanne's dog. Zoey's in her cage most of the time due to some unfortunate circumstances, so I take her out with me when I can. She's really a great dog...just really hyper. Gotta have room to run, ya know?
Zoey sounds like you, Dustin!
Ha! You're probably right.
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